As a parent or guardian of a child at Chief Dan George Middle School you are automatically a member of the Parent Advisory Council (PAC). Your participation is the key to making the school year a success. Coming together to work on shared projects or to resolve issues that affect our school community sends a powerful message to our children that we care about the quality of their educational experience. We depend on new faces to step in and learn the ropes, and for long-time families to continue their involvement. This is, after all, your school! 

PAC meetings provide you the opportunity to meet the people who are involved in our PAC and to network with the families that form a large part of our children’s everyday lives. We would love to have your input on what you would like to see PAC do for your child’s school experience. At our meetings we commonly have votes to make important decisions, so please be sure to come out and have your say. At this point our meetings are held via Zoom - links will be emailed to parents. 

How to Keep Informed:
Throughout the year the PAC learns of various needs for volunteers and will advertise these opportunities at our PAC meetings, in the school newsletter, and on the PAC Facebook page. We would like to encourage all parents to join our Facebook page by searching "Chief Dan George Middle PAC”, then click “Join” to receive notifications. PAC minutes will also be uploaded to the PAC Facebook page “files". 

2024-2025 PAC Executives:

President               Vacant
Vice-President      Becky Williams Spruit
Secretary               Melissa Crowhurst
Treasurer               Michelle Moore

Fundraising Coordinator       Vacant

DPAC Representative             Josephine Leonard    

Past President                        Laura Lewis

To contact the PAC directly, email         

2024-2025 PAC Meeting Dates:

  • Stay tuned for dates.

Meeting Minutes: